20 September, 2010


I love Beachbody for a bunch of reasons. One of the reasons is how it keeps me motivated. All the coaches and the instructors are amazing and truly care. I used to just try going on a plain ol' diet, but I'd break out of it so fast, within a week, because I was impatient and I thought it was useless. I then came to realize that I just HAD to do it. After discovering Beachbody through Michelle Pruitt, I ordered Turbo Jam. I then came to realize that when I incorporate a workout program with dieting, I can stick to it. I know a lot of people don't exercise or they'll just go on a daily run and get bored of it, but if you try a Beachbody program, I guarantee you will stick to it. I have tried other DVD's at home in the past and the instructor was so lame and boring. It was like they were just talking because they had to, it was their job. Chalene Johnson is amazing. You can tell how much she truly cares and she's very motivating. Just hearing her makes me want to work harder and that's what you need in an exercise program. You also have to realize that you can't lose 10, 20, 30 pounds over night. It takes a little time and effort, but the results are worth it. It's been 4 months since I started with Beachbody and I'm still going strong and I'm still sticking with how I am eating and working out every day. It's not a "diet" for me, it's a lifestyle change.

16 September, 2010


Hey all!

I just created this blog so bare with me. Anyway, my name is Erin for all who do not know much about me. I started Beachbody programs in June. I started with Turbo Jam. For about a month, I have been doing ChaLEAN Extreme and started the entire Turbo Fire program a week ago. I was doing the advanced classes before the program.

I have lose all my baby weight, plus more! I have never committed to any other program before because they were always too boring or the instructors just went along with it because they just had to. They never even motivated me to eat better. With Beachbody, you don't feel that way which is why I love this company.

If anyone has that voice in the back of their heads telling you to eat healthier or to start working out to shed off those pounds you've been wanting to lose, all you have to do is contact me! I can help you find the perfect program for you!

Just go to the Beachbody website HERE and click contact me!

Thanks for reading!